
Locally grown produce

All our green and yellow peas as well as fava beans are locally grown by farmers in the Skåne and Halland regions in southern Sweden. This way, we ensure that the transports are as short as possible from the cultivation site to the production facility, while at the same time securing jobs for the local community.

No waste

Our gentle and unique technology makes it possible to utilise all the components of a legume. The process results in zero waste. The vegetable protein is used by the food industry to create meat analogues. The flour is also used by food manufacturers, for example as a thickening agent. The fibres, i.e. shells and cell walls, can be used for animal feed or converted into energy in a biogas plant.

Low carbon footprint

As the technology is very energy-efficient, there is no waste, and all produce is locally grown, the carbon footprint is very low for all our ingredients in comparison with existing concentrates and isolates on the market.